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The Way of Peace - Stanley Godfrey 2'30" £1.50
trebles organ. Benedictus Deus Israel for trebles
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The Reproaches of our Lord and Saviour - Nigel Allcoat 6'00" £3.00
SATB unaccompanied. Good Friday liturgy
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Ave Maria - William Mason 2'00" £1.50
SATB organ. Hail Mary setting
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Hail, Queen of heaven - Mark Swinton 1'20" £1.50
upper voices unaccompanied. 16th century text
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When I survey the wondrous cross - arr. Ian Bevell 2'30" £2.50
SATB organ baritone solo. O waly waly arrangement
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I saw a new heaven - Richard Nye 2'15" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Revelation 21:1-4
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God's Gate - Simon Mold 5'15" £3.00
SATB organ. Music for the dedication of a church
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Gladsome radiance - Mark Swinton 2'15" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Phos Hilaron setting
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O sacrum convivium - William Mason 2'30" £1.50
trebles organ. Aquinas eucharistic text
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Love divine, all loves excelling - Simon Mold 9'00" £4.00
SATB organ. Anthemic setting of Charles Wesley text
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Antiphon - Charles Paterson 2'00" £3.00
SSATBB unaccompanied. Setting of text by George Herbert
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