Gladsome radiance - Mark Swinton 2'15" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Phos Hilaron setting
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Love divine, all loves excelling - Simon Mold 9'00" £4.00
SATB organ. Anthemic setting of Charles Wesley text
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In memoriam: Ricardus Rex - Graham Keitch 3'330" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Used at King Richard III's reiinterment
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Roxburghe Carol - arr. Simon Mold 4'00" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. French chanson arrangement for Christmas
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Adventus Christi - arr. Simon Mold 4'15" £3.50
double SATB unaccompanied. Handel aria repurposed for Advent
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Joseph dearest, Joseph mine - arr. David Fawcett 1'30" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Neville Talbot carol arrangement
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In the bleak midwinter - Ian Bevell 4'00" £2.50
SATB organ. Christina Rossetti carol
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Sing lullaby - David Fawcett 4'00" £3.00
SATB unaccompanied. Sabine Baring-Gould carol
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Mary's Cradle Song - Simon Mold 3'30" £3.00
SATB organ obbligato melody instrument. Carol for Christmas with original text
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I sing of a maiden - David Fawcett 2'00" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Original setting of medieval carol text
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A Short Jazz Mass - John Hosking 7'30" £4.00
SATB piano. Mass setting for piano and choir with jazz harmony
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O sacrum convivium - David Fawcett 2'45" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Plainsong arrangement of Aquinas text
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Blackburn Service - John Hosking 8'00" £4.00
unison choir SATB organ. Flexible ongregational mass setting
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Versicles and Responses - William Armiger 5'00" £3.00
SATB unaccompanied. Preces & Responses for Gloucester Cathedral
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The Harrowing of Hell - Robert Fielding 5'30" £3.50
double SATB unaccimpanied. Translation of Syriac text depicting Christ's descent into Hell
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How can I keep from singing! - Robert Fielding 2'45" £2.50
SATB organ. Derventio Choir 30th anniversary text
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Festal and Ferial Preces and Responses - Nigel Allcoat 5'15" £3.00
SATB unaccompanied. Preces & Responses
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Rejoice in the Lord - Charlotte Baskerville 3'15" £3.00
SATB organ. Psalm 33 for SATB
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Preces and Responses - Martyn Noble 3'00" £2.50
SATBB unaccompanied. Responses for SATBB
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And the Lord turned - William Armiger 2'45" £2.50
double SATB unaccompanied. Luke, Matthew, Venatius Fortunatus
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O salutaris hostia - Paul Hayward 4'15" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Eucharistic text by St Thomas Aquinas
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God be in my head - Richard Nye 2'15" £1.50
SATB optional organ. Sarum Primer
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Earth grown old - Martyn Noble 4'45" £3.50
SATB unaccompanied. Christina Rossetti text for Advent
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The Cherry Tree Carol - arr. Sarah MacDonald 1'45" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Popular Christmas carol
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Seven Unaccompanied Carols for Christmastide - Jamie W. Hall 13'45" £6.00
SATB unaccompanied. Carols by Jamie W. Hall
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Populus Sion - William Armiger 3'00" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Traditional Advent text
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O Virgin of virgins - William Armiger 3'00" £3.00
double SATB unaccompanied. Advent antiphon O Virgo virginum
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Dormi Jesu - William Armiger 3'00" £2.50
SATB organ. Text collected by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
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O Oriens - William Armiger 2'45" £2.50
double SATB unaccompanied. O Antiphon for December 21st
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The Christmas Bells - Ray Cook 4'45" £3.00
SATB organ. Setting of a Longfellow text
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O sacrum convivium - Graham Keitch 3'30" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. St Thomas Aquinas eucharistic text
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View me, Lord - Ian Bevell 1'45" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Thomas Campion text
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Te lucis ante terminum - Charlotte Baskerville 4'20" £2.50
SSATB unaccompanied. Roman Breviary. Latin and English
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The Lord is my Shepherd - Simon Mold 6'20" £3.00
SATB organ. Psalm 23 to She moved through the fair
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Glory to God - Douglas Mason 2'45" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Luke 2: 14
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A Song of Christ's Glory - Mark Swinton 2'15" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Philippians 2: 5-11
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O God of hosts, the mighty Lord - Simon Mold 5'00" £2.50
SATB organ. Psalm 84, Tate & Brady
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Nunc Dimittis - Graham Keitch 4'15" £2.50
SSATB unaccompanied. Standalone Nunc Dimittis setting
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Preces and Responses - Charlotte Baskerville 4'00" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Unaccompanied SATB
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Salve Regina - Robert Fielding 2'45" £.00
SATB unaccompanied. Hail, holy Queen setting
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Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis - Charlotte Baskerville 8'30" £4.00
SATB unaccompanied. Unaccompanied evening canticles
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The Office of Holy Communion - Ray Cook 19'00" £7.00
SATB organ. Prayer Book Eucharist setting
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When you go home - Graham Keitch 1'15" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Remembrance text by John Maxwell Edmonds
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Short Service - Charles Paterson 4'45" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis
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O Lord, our Lord - Graham Keitch 5'45" £3.00
SATB organ. Psalm 8
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On Christmas night - Charlotte Baskerville 1'45" £2.50
SATB organ. Original setting of Sussex Carol text
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The Adoration Of The Wise Men - Ray Cook 3'30" £2.50
SATB organ. CF Alexander text for Epiphany
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Away in a manger - arr. Davide Mutti 3'00" £1.50
SATB organ. Famous Normandy Christmas tune
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Coventry Carol - Charlotte Baskerville 4'00" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Famous Christmas text
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There is no rose - Davide Mutti 2'45" £1.50
SATB organ. Setting of medieval Trinity Carol Roll text
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Under the Stars - Ian Bevell 2'45" £2.50
SATB piano. Christmas text by Anna Driscol
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Our lady sat within her bow'r - Kevin Lane 5'00" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Christmas text by GR Woodward
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Lead me to peace - Kevin Lane 1'45" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Text from the Hindu Upanishads
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A Hymn to God the Father - Jon Simsic 4'45" £3.00
SATB unaccompanied. John Donne text with Parce Domine plainsong
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A new commandment - Ian Bevell 1'00" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. A multipurpose introit or anthem for choirs of all abilities.
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For the Fallen - Graham Keitch 2'30" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Binyon Remembrance text
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Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis - Robert Fielding 4'45" £3.50
SATB organ. Evening canticles
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Resplenduit facies ejus - Graham Keitch 2'00" £1.50
SSATB unaccompanied. Setting of Transfiguration text
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O nata lux - Ian Bevell 2'30" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Setting of Transfiguration text
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Preces and Responses - Graham Keitch 6'30" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Responses with setting of the Lord's Prayer
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Ave verum corpus - Ian Bevell 2'30" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Ever-popular eucharistic text
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Like as the hart - Graham Keitch 3'45" £1.50
Unison choir organ. Setting of Ps 42: 1-3
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Hold me high - Simon Mold 5'30" £3.00
SATB organ. Suitable for memorials, religious or secular
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A Celtic Blessing - Ian Bevell 2'15" £2.50
SATB organ. Setting of Fiona Macleod's 'Deep peace' text
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Missa Brevis Choro Auxiliari Wellensi - Graham Keitch 9'45" £3.50
SATB organ. Missa Brevis for Wells Cathedral Chamber Choir
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Pied Beauty - Robert Fielding 2'00" £2.50
SATB organ. Gerard Manley Hopkins text
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Mass in D Minor - Martyn Noble 11'30" £5.00
SATB organ. Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei
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Matin Responsory - Ray Cook 4;00" £2.50
SATB organ. Advent Sunday text
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The Angel Gabriel - Mark Swinton 3'00" £3.00
SATB unaccompanied. Rhythmic setting of Gabriel's Message
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Nativity - Robert Fielding 3'15" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Nativity text by John Donne
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All the sky is bright - Robert Fielding 2'00" £2.75
SATB unaccompanied. French Christmas carol translated by Fred Pratt Green
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Salus Mundi - Robert Fielding 1'15" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Mary Coleridge text for Christmas
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When Mary brought her child - Robert Fielding 2'15" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Carol for Candlemas or Christmas
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The Nativity - Robert Fielding 1'30" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Christmas text by Christopher Smart
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Missa Corona - Laurence Caldecote 6'30" £3.00
SATB organ. Mass setting with optional congregational participation
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Moonless darkness stands between - Robert Fielding 1'30" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Gerard Manley Hopkins setting
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The Baptism of Jesus - Olivia Sparkhall 3'00" £3.00
SATB unaccompanied. Collect for the Baptism of Our Lord
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The Prayer of John Donne - Robert Fielding 3'00" £2.50
SATTB unaccompanied. Bring us O Lord God, at our last awakening
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O magnum mysterium - Graham Keitch 3'00" £1.50
SSATB unaccompanied. Mystical motet for Christmas
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Evening Service In F Minor - Martyn Noble 8'30" £4.50
SATB organ. Full-blooded evening service
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Ecce mysterium - Tim Attride 2'30" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. 1 Corinthians 15:51 Behold, I tell you a mystery.
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Phos Hilaron - A song of the light - Robert Fielding 2'30" £3.00
SSATB. Setting of O gladdening light
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I say unto you which hear - Martyn Noble 5'00" £3.00
SATB organ. Setting of Luke 6:27-35
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Amy Beach Canticles - Olivia Sparkhall 5'00" £3.00
SATB unaccompanied. Amy Beach Nunc Dimittis with a matching Magnificat
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View me Lord a work of thine - Laurence Caldecote 3'00" £2.50
SATB or ATTB. A Thomas Campion text
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Nunc Dimittis - Kevin Lane 3'00" £2.50
SATB organ. A setting of the Nunc Dimittis for Candlemas
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Benedictus - Ray Cook 7'00" £4.00
SATB organ. Canticle of Zechariah, Luke 1:68-79
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Preces and Responses in A Minor - Edward Rhys-Harry 5'00" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Unaccompanied responses
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Forget not my law - Martyn Noble 2'00" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. A setting of Proverbs 3:1-5
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Veni Creator Spiritus - Rosemary Field 3'45" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Herbert text combined with plainsong hymn
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O Emmanuel - Rosemary Field 2'00" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Introit or anthem for Advent
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St Woolos Service - Simon Mold 13'00" £4.50
SATB organ. Setting originally for St Woolos Cathedral
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Justorum animae - Graham Keitch 3'00" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Setting of a text from theBook of Wisdom
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The Beatific Vision - Simon Mold 9'30" £3.50
SATB organ. Setting of a poem by Frederick William Orde Ward
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Salve Regina - Neil Sands 6'15" £3.00
SATB unaccompanied. Hail, holy queen
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Missa Brevis - Christopher Larley 5'15" £3.00
SATB unaccompanied. Kyrie, Sanctus, Benedictus & Agnus Dei
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The Lord's Prayer - Christopher Larley 1'30" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. The archetypal prayer
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Sainte Cécile - Neil Sands 3'15" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Words by St Teresa of Lisieux, in honour of St Cecilia, Teresa's patron saint. Christ the spouse of the soul
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In manus tuas - David Truslove 3'00" £2.50
SSATB unaccompanied. Atmospheric setting of the compline text
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For the beauty of earth and sky and sea - Ray Cook 3'30" £3.00
SATB organ. Joyful celebration of the harvest
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Antiphon - Charles Paterson 2'00" £3.00
SSATBB unaccompanied. Setting of text by George Herbert
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Heaven - Charles Paterson 2'15" £2.50
SSATB unaccompanied. Setting of text by George Herbert
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Matins - Charles Paterson 2'30" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Setting of text by George Herbert
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Return to the Father - Ray Cook 5'45" £3.50
SATB organ. Anthem for use at Ascension
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Preces and Responses - Simon Mold 7'30" £3.00
Choir organ. Flexible responses for 2-part choir and organ
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Virtue - Charles Paterson 2'00" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Setting of text by George Herbert
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Jubilate - Ray Cook 4'30" £3.00
SATB organ. Setting with the emphasis on joy
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A galley will I build me - Simon Mold 3'45" £4.50
SATB organ. A setting of George R Woodward's text for general use
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Missa Brevis - Alastair Borthwick 15'00" £4.50
SATB unaccompanied. An exploration of theological meaning, and beauty, from a contemporary perspective.
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Te Deum - Ray Cook 9'30" £4.00
SATB organ. Jubilant and rewarding setting
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Absalon Fili Mi - Graham Keitch 3'15" £2.50
SSATB unaccompanied. King David's grief over the loss of his son Absalom
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Ubi Caritas - Nigel Allcoat 4'00" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Setting in English of Ubi Caritas
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Preces and Responses - Ray Cook 4'00" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Preces, Responses, Collects, Ferial and Festal dismissal
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Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in D - Ray Cook 7'00" £3.50
SATB organ. Homage to Herbert Howells
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Lully, Lullay - Graham Keitch 4'00" £2.50
SSATB unaccompanied. Beautiful, original setting of The Coventry Carol
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The Church is built upon the earthly stone - Graham Keitch 3'15" £2.50
SSATB unaccompanied. Beautiful setting of a transcription by Gabriel Aydin of an ancient Syriac hymn
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Prayer of St Francis - John Hosking 3'30" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. A reflective setting of St Francis of Assisi's famous text
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Advent Canticles - Alastair Borthwick 12'00" £4.50
SATB organ. Mag and Nunc setting from darkness to light
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Telling God's Story - Alastair Borthwick 3'45" £3.00
SATB organ. A Christmas carol for our times
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Infant holy infant lowly - Stephen Burtonwood 3'00" £2.50
SATB piano. Straightforward but warm setting of this Christmas text. English and Polish words.
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Brightest and best - Stephen Burtonwood 3'45" £2.50
SATB piano. Lively setting of Bishop Heber's Christmas text
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The Angel Gabriel - Ray Cook 2'30" £1.50
Unaccompanied SATB. Original setting of S Baring-Gould's Christmas text
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Ho logos - Alastair Borthwick 5'45" £2.50
Unaccompanied SATB speaker. Setting exploring the mystery of John chapter 1.
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O nata lux - Graham Keitch 3'45" £2.50
Divided SATB unaccompanied. An ecstatic setting of a Transfiguration text
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Nunc laudare debemus - Graham Keitch 4'00" £2.50
SSATB or SAATB unaccompanied. Noble setting of Caedmon's Hymn 'God the Creator and Guardian'
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Second Service - David Price 4'00" £1.50
SATB ATTB unaccompanied. Fauxbourdon evening service
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Trinity Communion Service - Stephen Burtonwood 7'00" £3.50
SATB organ. Setting of the Book of Common Prayer communion service
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Magnificat - Justin Breame 6'00" £4.50
Unaccompanied divided SSAATTBB. A plaintive and in places tense setting of the Magnificat
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Eastern Monarchs, Sages Three - Laurence Caldecote 2'30" £2.50
SATB organ. SATB carol for Epiphany
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Silent Night, Holy Night - Stephen Burtonwood 3'30" £2.50
SATB harp. Arrangement of Gruber's famous tune
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Silent Night - Jamie W. Hall 2'00" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Original setting of the famous carol
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Gloria in Excelsis Deo - A garland of carols - Stephen Burtonwood 18'00" £4.00
SATB choir organ. A collection of eight carols for Christmas
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Preces and Responses - David Truslove 6'00" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. SATB responses on white notes only
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The Grace - Edward-Rhys Harry 4'00" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. 2 Corinthians 13: 11&14
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Anima Christi - Justin Breame 5'40" £3.50
SATB double choir unaccompanied. Setting of eucharistic text for double choir
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When I was hungry - Edward-Rhys Harry 4'00" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Matthew 25: 35-40
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St Bride's Service - Francis Jackson 7'30" £4.00
SATB organ. Evening canticles by Francis Jackson
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Hard is the road to Bethlehem - Tamsin Jones 1'30" £1.50
Unaccompanied SATB. Simple and beautiful carol
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On Christmas Night - Gareth Hemmings 2'30" £2.50
SATB organ. Fresh and sparkling setting of the famous carol for Christmas
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Away in a manger - Laurence Caldecote 2'30" £2.50
SATB organ. Original setting of the famous text
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Who We Are - Nathan Waring 2'00" £3.00
Unaccompanied SATB body percussion. An a cappella song celebrating our diversity
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Angele Dei - Justin Breame 2'30" £1.50
Flexible SATB SSA Trebles. Flexible setting of Prayer to One's Guardian Angel
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Love's Redeeming Work Is Done - Alan Smith 3'15" £2.50
SATB organ. Joyful anthem for Easter
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Dum transisset Sabbatum - Alan Smith 2'30" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Setting of text for Easter Eve
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Evening Service - James Webb 7'15" £3.50
SATB organ. Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis setting
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Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in D Minor - Laurence Caldecote 7'15" £4.00
SATB organ. Evening service for SATB and organ
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Christmas Bells - Jamie W. Hall 2'45" £2.50
Flexible children SA SATB. Text by Longfellow
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Advent Responsory - James Webb 2'30" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. First Responsory for Matins on Advent Sunday
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Sing, Oh! My love - Jamie W. Hall 6'00" £2.50
SATB Unaccompanied. Tomorrow shall be my dancing day and Jesus Christ the Apple Tree
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Tantum Ergo - David Truslove 2'30" £2.50
SSATB unaccompanied. Eucharistic text by St Thomas Aquinas
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A Lenten Prayer - Nathan Waring 6'30" £3.50
SATB tenor bass organ. Anthem with texts by William Loader and the Book of Common Prayer
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The St Martin's Service - John Hosking 11'00" £4.50
SATB organ. Mag and Nunc for St Martin in the Fields, London
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Easter! - Alan Hemmings 1'45" £1.50
SATB organ. Bositerous Easter anthem
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Missa Brevis in G - Laurence Caldecote 6'45" £3.50
SATB organ. Gloria, Sanctus, Benedictus & Agnus Dei
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O Saviour of the world - David Truslove 2'15" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Beautiful Collect for the Visitiation of the Sick
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I heard the voice of Jesus say - Laurence Caldecote 3'30" £2.50
SATB organ. Setting of a hymn by Horatius Bonar
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Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in C Minor - David Barton 6'30" £3.00
SATB organ. Evening canticles
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To Every Thing... - Jamie W. Hall 10'00" £5.00
SATB unaccompanied. Cycle of Seasons Family Tree by Reuben Thomas
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Sorrows Sleep Tonight - Wyn Pearson 4'00" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Christmas lullaby with Easter overtones
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Jubilate - John Hosking 3'00" £3.00
SATB organ. Jubilate (Psalm 100) in Welsh. Jubilate (Salm 100) yn Gymraeg.
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Summer - Jamie W. Hall 2'15" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied . Setting of a text by Reuben Thomas
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Autumn - Jamie W. Hall 2'15" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied . Setting of a text by Reuben Thomas
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The Lord Has Arisen - Jamie W. Hall 2'30" £2.50
SSATB unaccompanied. Carol for Easter that narrates Mary & the disciples' joy at meeting the risen Jesus
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Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in G - David Fawcett 6'00" £3.50
SATB organ. Evening canticles
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For The Fallen - Victoria Larley 2'15" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Setting of Binyon's Remembrance text
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A Christmas Carol - Alan Hemmings 2'00" £2.50
SATB organ. Setting of a text for Christmas by G.K. Chesterton
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They shall grow not old - David Fawcett 2'15" £1.00
SAMen SATB unaccompanied. Flexible setting of the iconic Binyon poem for Remembrance
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Captains of the saintly band - David Fawcett 1'30" £1.50
SATB SAB SAMen or unison organ. Flexible anthem for the feast of All Saints.
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For Cecilia - Edward-Rhys Harry 9'00" £5.00
SATB piano. Concert setting of a text by Alexander Pope
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I sing of a maiden - David Fawcett 1'30" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Beautiful setting of a famous mediaeval Christmas text
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For The Fallen - Alan Smith 1'45" £1.50
SATB organ. Setting of Binyon's Remembrance text
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Three Celtic Folksongs - Edward-Rhys Harry 7'30" £4.00
SATB piano. Medley of folksongs from Wales, Scotland and Ireland
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In the bleak midwinter - John Hosking 4'30" £3.00
SATB organ. Luscious setting of the famous Rossetti poem
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In Flanders Fields - Laurence Caldecote 1'45" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Short setting of Lt Col. McCrae's iconic poem
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Lord I Have Loved - John Hosking 0'45" £1.50
SATB organ. Choral miniature Lord, I have loved the habitation of thy house.
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Blow The Wind Southerly - Edward-Rhys Harry 5'00" £3.00
SATB piano. Setting of famous folksong
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Bring Us, O Lord God - John Hosking 3'30" £2.50
SATB organ. Reflective setting of the famous text
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Breathe on me, Breath of God - David Truslove 2'20" £2.50
SATB soprano or semichorus piano or organ. Setting of the popular Pentecost hymn text
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Pax Dei
quae exsuperat omnem sensum - Tamsin Jones 3'15" £2.50
SATBB unaccompanied. Philippians 4:7 - The peace of God which passes all understanding
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Santes Dwynwen - Edward-Rhys Harry 12'00" £5.00
SATB piano or organ. Short cantata about the Welsh saint
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Peel Service - John Hosking 7'15" £4.00
SATB organ. Evening canticles written for the Cathedral of St German, Peel, Isle of Man
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In The Shadow Of Mamayev - Edward-Rhys Harry 25'00" £12.95
SATB children's choir chamber orchestra or piano or organ. A 7-movement memorial to the victims of war.
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Jesus' Lullaby - Reuben Thomas 4'30" £4.00
SATB soprano baritone organ or piano. A dialog between Jesus and Mary, using contemporary words against the traditional 'I saw a maiden'.
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In Pace - John Hosking 3'00" £1.50
SATB soprano unaccompanied. In pace in idipsum dormiam
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There Is No Rose - David Truslove 3'00" £3.00
SATB semichorus unaccompanied. Setting of the popular Christmas text
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Spring - Jamie W. Hall 3'00" £3.00
SATB unaccompanied. Second setting in a series of a text by Reuben Thomas
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The Little Black Lamb - Edward-Rhys Harry 1'30" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied (optional piano). Short interlude from the cantata Gabriel's Trumpet.
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A Royal Blessing - John Hosking 2'30" £2.50
SATB organ. A short celebration of the birth of HRH Prince George of Cambridge
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Benedictus - John Hosking 8'30" £4.50
SATB organ. Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel, from matins
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In A Lowly Stable's Manger - John Hosking 3' £3.00
SATB organ. Carol for Christmas with general appeal in its simple words and music.
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Requiem - John Hosking 27'00" £9.00
SATB chamber orchestra or organ. Requiem, for organ or chamber orchestra & choir, suitable for liturgical use.
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We Pray Thee, Guide Us - John Hosking 2'00" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Original text set to a simple melody with rich, chromatic harmonies.
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Ave Maria - John Hosking 2'45" £2.50
SATB soprano unaccompanied. Sustained setting of Ave Maria, Hail Mary.
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Sweet was the song - David Truslove 2'00" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Gentle, appealing setting of the famous text for Christmas
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Te Deum - John Hosking 10'00" £4.50
SATB organ. Te Deum setting with plainsong elements.
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O Salutaris Hostia - David Truslove 2'20" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Setting of the Corpus Christi hymn
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Grant To Us, Lord - John Hosking 1'30" £1.50
SATB organ. Simple introit, using the words of the Collect for the 9th Sunday after
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The Chester Service - John Hosking 10'00" £3.75
SATB organ. Mass setting for choir and French-stlye organ, designed to showcase the Chester Cathedral organ.
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The Seven Trumpets - John Hosking 18'30" £20.00
SATB chamber orchestra. Setting of text from Revelation
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Preces and Responses 3rd set - Benjamin Costello 2'15" £3.00
SAATBB unaccompanied. Set of accessible Responses
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Winter - Jamie W. Hall 3'00" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Setting of a text by Reuben Thomas
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Remember - Edward-Rhys Harry 3'00" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. A setting of Christina Rossetti's text
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O Magnum Mysterium - John Hosking 4'45" £3.00
SATB organ. A substantial setting of the popular text, with plainsong references in the organ.
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Bangor Responses - John Hosking 4'00" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Very accessible set of responses
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Ring Out, Ye Crystal Spheres - William Morris 5'00" £3.50
SATB organ. Glorious setting of Milton's Hymn on the Morning of Christ's Nativity
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Missa Sancti Asaph - John Hosking 8'30" £4.00
SATB organ. Mass setting in which the organ takes centre stage
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Steal Away - Christopher Larley 2' £1.50
SATB unacconpanied. Dignified setting of an iconic spiritual
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As I Lay Upon A Night - Jamie W. Hall 3'20" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Setting of Middle English poem
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Dormi Jesu - Victoria Larley 1'20" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. A beautifully human text in which Mary implores the Christ child to sleep.
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Chantry Folksongs - Neil Sands, Patrick Larley, Victoria Larley, James Webb 13' £7.00
SATB piano. Folksongs from the 4 UK nations. The last has a piano accompaniment.
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Love Divine That Floweth From On High - Wyn Pearson 2'30" £2.30
SATB organ timpani. Anthem especially suited for weddings.
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Gloria - Gabriel Faure arr. Benjamin Costello 4'30" £3.00
SATB organ. Arrangement of Fauré's upper voices original
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Requiem Of Loss - Edward-Rhys Harry 30' £9.00
SATB chamber orchestra. Requiem in 9 movements
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Penitential Mass - Victoria Larley 3'00" £2.50
SATB organ. Short mass setting for choir & congregation
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A Babe Is Born - Benjamin Costello 45" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Short introit for Christmas
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Ave Verum Corpus - Edward-Rhys Harry 3'45" £2.50
SATB soprano piano. Setting of the popular text for Côr Bro Ogwr
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O Magnum Mysterium - Edward-Rhys Harry 3'45" £2.50
SATB piano. Setting of the familiar Christmas text
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In The Bleak Midwinter - Edward-Rhys Harry 4'15" £3.00
SATB piano. Dramatic setting of the famous Rossetti poem
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Messe Basse - Gabriel Faure arr. Benjamin Costello 8'30" £3.75
SATB organ. Kyrie, Sanctus, Benedictus & Agnus Dei
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Chichester Descant Pack - William Morris n/a £24.95
SATB. 20 descants of popular hymns and carols
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Herongate - Traditional arr. Neil Sands 2'00" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. A setting of the popular hymn It is a thing most wonderful
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Loving Shepherd - William Morris 2'45" £1.50
SATB organ. A simple hymn setting
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Jubilate - William Morris 2'00" £2.50
SATB organ. A festive, upbeat rendition of the familiar psalm.
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Sweet Was the Song the Virgin Sung - Gareth Leyshon 2'30" £2.50
SATB soprano unaccompanied. A gentle, polymodal setting of a 17th century English poem.
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Preces and Responses 2nd set - Benjamin Costello 4'00" £3.00
SATB unaccompanied. A set of accessible Responses containing rich harmonic textures and discreet jazz voicings.
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Two Christmas Carols - Peter Flinn 4'45" £3.50
SATB organ. Two contrasting settings of Christmas carols.
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Music for the Holy Eucharist - Rex Latter 7'00" £3.50
Unison choir organ (short SATB section). A congregational and mainly unison setting of the Anglican Eucharist for the Alternative Service Book.
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Preces and Responses 1st set - Benjamin Costello after Orlando Gibbons 3'15" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Orlando Gibbons music, adapted for use at evensong.
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Song of Mercy - Rex Latter 3'00" £2.50
STB organ or piano. Mainly for unison voices and organ
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In Excelsis Gloria - Rex Latter 1'45" £2.50
SATB organ. A lively Christmas carol for mixed voices and organ
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Pomp and Circumstance March Number One - Elgar arr. Neil Sands 7'00" £3.75
SATB piano. Enjoyable choral arrangement of the orchestral masterpiece
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Maria Zart - Tamsin Jones 2'30" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Gentle Mary
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Chester Service - Tamsin Jones 5'30" £3.50
SATB unaccompanied. Soprano and tenor solos in the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis respectively.
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Like as the Hart - Rex Latter 2'30" £1.50
SATB organ. Ideal for choirs of more modest resources
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Dum Medium Silentium - Rex Latter 6'00" £3.00
SATB organ. While all things were in quiet silence
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Whither Shall I Go Then From Thy Spirit? - Rex Latter 2'15" £1.50
SATB organ. Setting of Psalm 139 vv 6-9
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Venite - Rex Latter 4'15" £3.00
SATB organ. Short setting of Psalm 95.
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Jesu the Very Thought of Thee - Rex Latter 1'30" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Short setting of words by St Bernard of Claireaux.
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Third Evening Service - Tamsin Jones 5'30" £3.50
ATTB or SATTB unaccompanied. Mag & Nunc settings
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Blest are the Pure in Heart - James Webb 3'00" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Setting of words by John Keble
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I am the Way the Truth and the Life - Tamsin Jones 1'15" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. John 14:6 set in canon and in inverted canon
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Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence - Peter Flinn 3'00" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Setting of the famous hymn
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Noël Nouvelet - arr. Victoria Larley 2'45" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Charming arrangement of a popular French nativity carol
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Hush No More - Purcell arr. Neil Sands 1'45" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Magical chorus from The Fairy Queen
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Word Made Flesh - Neil Sands 8'00" £5.00
SATB flute piccolo oboe cello harp organ timpani. St John 1:1-18 In the beginning was the word
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The Hope of All the World - Neil Sands 1'30" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Carol for Christmas, with anonymous words
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Death on a Cross - Neil Sands 2'30" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. St Paul's letter to the Philippians 2:8-11 Christ was humbler yet
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Chantry Canticles - Neil Sands 5'45" £3.50
SATB unaccompanied. Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis modern fauxbourdon
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O the Deep Deep Love of Jesus - James Webb 1'30" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Words by Samuel T Francis
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Nulla in Mundo - James Webb 1'30" £1.50
SATB organ. No real peace is to be found in this world
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Huic Magi - James Webb 2'45" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Epiphaniam Domino setting
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God is Love - James Webb 3'45" £3.00
SATB piano or organ. Words by Bishop Timothy Rees of Llandaff
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The Annunciation Carol - Christopher Larley 2'30" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. The angel Gabriel from heaven came
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I Worship and Adore the True and Living God - Christopher Larley 3'15" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Based on St Alban's final profession of faith, and the collect for St Alban's Day
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A Psalm Cycle - Christopher Larley 5'00" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Psalm fragments (Ps 5 v 8, Ps 4 v 9, Ps 145 vv 15-16 and Ps 27 v 6)
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Were You There? - arr. Neil Sands 8'00" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Simple but powerful arrangement of this popular spiritual.
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